Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Victory is mine!

NO pic's , just leg pumping victory for this post, I am celebrating biking to work for 33 consecutive days (note new bike log on the upper right). Might not seem like much to anyone but myself, but considering the weather in these parts the past months it is a victory, and I am glad to say I have not gave way to the peer-pressure of my owe human reasoning. To ride the green machine (pic on blog) in snow, sleet, rain, dark, cold, repeat!- on one single gear to put me through such a test, I will claim victory.......the endurance to continue, smell nature, and prove to all the SUV-carbon monoxide clogging,cellphone talking whiners that say "IT can't be done!" , well hop on board! because it CAN and is easier than you think....yes you will have to leave the radio and heated seats behind,but the pay-off will reward you! and soon you will have the luxury of the Gas bill I have....can't argue with the results and $$ in pocket.

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