Major malfunction!!!!! I was off by ONE day in my blog report yesterday........might not seem like much, but when your trying to accomplish a goal like mine it DOES matter, if you don't believe me just ask Micheal Phelps if 1/10th of a sec matters in the Olympics.......uh huh.
SO it has been 68 days in a row and 552 miles!!!!!! believe me it does matter--every day, every mile. IT's kind of like losing a $100 bill, it matters and sucks!!!!!!!
later........I have riding to do!
*side note: weather warning in effect---Snow 6-12 inches possible on Fri, Sat, Sundays hight temp 9'. hmmmmmmm this next week could be a challenge in the bike department, but this is the last week...........will I make it???
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
STill AliVe!!!!!!!!
hi-de-ho! where did the month go! NOV. is gone, and oh! my did I forget to blog? will the blog police be on my door step any minute to fine ME!!?? well so be it, cause I am still alive and kicking it hard on the BIKE!!!!!!!!
Update: 67 days in a row!!! (544 miles) no stopping or excuse...... many times I have wanted to stop, the weather here has not been my friend, cold, wet, and cold, did I mention it is cold? especially when you leave in the dark (6 a.m) and return in the dark. But I was determined to beat my former record and could not give in since I was sooooooo close. NOW I have surpassed it, but still can't stop.......must beat it, shatter it, not let mother nature control me. BUT I won't lie, I can hardly wait till winter break,so I can have a bike break...........that will be the final tally of days, miles for 2008.. consecutive........stay tuned I will be ready for the "biking blog victory dance"
THen I must decide if it is worth continuing my sega and ride after the New Year for more consecutive days to work??......DO I play with fate and ride in the dead dark bowels of winter here in Eastern WA? or tip my hat, be satisfied with the personal record I accomplished, know victory as is............or wrestle with the competitive side of human nature and ride more days, try to make it to a 100 days.........what's good enough??
feedback anyone?? still waiting for a challenger? no takers, people think it's cool.......but aren't willing to try it, why? of course I get people that ask me that everyday -why? I am doing this and choose to ride a bike everyday, some days I can't seem to answer that question.........
BUT I WILL continue to RIDE,Freeze,pedal faster.....even if I am alone.......I will can't take away victory.
Update: 67 days in a row!!! (544 miles) no stopping or excuse...... many times I have wanted to stop, the weather here has not been my friend, cold, wet, and cold, did I mention it is cold? especially when you leave in the dark (6 a.m) and return in the dark. But I was determined to beat my former record and could not give in since I was sooooooo close. NOW I have surpassed it, but still can't stop.......must beat it, shatter it, not let mother nature control me. BUT I won't lie, I can hardly wait till winter break,so I can have a bike break...........that will be the final tally of days, miles for 2008.. consecutive........stay tuned I will be ready for the "biking blog victory dance"
THen I must decide if it is worth continuing my sega and ride after the New Year for more consecutive days to work??......DO I play with fate and ride in the dead dark bowels of winter here in Eastern WA? or tip my hat, be satisfied with the personal record I accomplished, know victory as is............or wrestle with the competitive side of human nature and ride more days, try to make it to a 100 days.........what's good enough??
feedback anyone?? still waiting for a challenger? no takers, people think it's cool.......but aren't willing to try it, why? of course I get people that ask me that everyday -why? I am doing this and choose to ride a bike everyday, some days I can't seem to answer that question.........
BUT I WILL continue to RIDE,Freeze,pedal faster.....even if I am alone.......I will can't take away victory.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
OLd Friends...
Sometimes you just have to visit the past......I recently meet up with an old bike of mine, shot the breeze over coffee and reminisced over the past rides we've had together, some pretty crazy times I must say, from the time we meet to bringing the sucker home, to putting the miles, time, and days on the ol' Green Machine. But on thing I began to realize......I miss you man! I don't sir cum to vast majority of the biking world and have to have the latest, greatest, machine, do-hicky, or carbon fiber underwear (do they make such a thing??). I ride because I love to bike and go where no other gas hogging SUV can. AND truthfully at the end of the day the bike is still make up of TWo wheels, and pedals to turn the crank, a frame, and seat.........anything more than that is JUST rubbish and most often unwanted details......oh! maybe a brake helps....but IS it really necessary?
SO the Green Machine lives on!! I have ridden it a few times in my quest to continue to bike to work everyday........(41days strong, 328 miles). The days are dark both morning and night, the cold is starting to get to me, but as I pass those people warming up there cars and scraping there windows I can't help but smile and wave cause the joke is on them, but wait can they see me??
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
DarK KnigHT
YEppers! the pedals keep turning and the days keep rotating........31 days, 248++ miles commuting, running the streets and enjoying the whole aspect of biking.
The mornings are not my favorite anymore...Dark! I now have to fit into another crazy safety feature and bike technology.....LIGHTS, oh I wanted to keep things simple.....but thanks to mother nature and crazy, delirious, one-eye opened morning drivers I am force to conform.......I would have a pic for this post but it is better if you just take a minute to sit in your closet with the door closed, have a moment of silence for me and what do you see? ........THIS is how biking in the mornings are for me. OH! and maybe turn on your AC full blast at the same time your in the closet this is how the weather feels now that fall has kicked in.
But desire, cheap pedal gas, and NOT having to scrap my windows keeps me motivated to stay on the BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!
The mornings are not my favorite anymore...Dark! I now have to fit into another crazy safety feature and bike technology.....LIGHTS, oh I wanted to keep things simple.....but thanks to mother nature and crazy, delirious, one-eye opened morning drivers I am force to conform.......I would have a pic for this post but it is better if you just take a minute to sit in your closet with the door closed, have a moment of silence for me and what do you see? ........THIS is how biking in the mornings are for me. OH! and maybe turn on your AC full blast at the same time your in the closet this is how the weather feels now that fall has kicked in.
But desire, cheap pedal gas, and NOT having to scrap my windows keeps me motivated to stay on the BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
OH ya that's me, I have officially turned to the darkside of biking.....the nerdy part. I have recently installed a computer on my commuter bike! yea, I use to ride with no cares and the wind blowing through my hair, but not anymore, I JUST have to know how far,how fast, and how long it takes me to ride everywhere. I don't know if I like it... it has seemed a bit restricting kind of like a cell phone while your driving. I find I pay more attention to the bike computer then the road, I am always looking down, sometimes forget to look up. I don't believe there is way to get a ticket for watching your bike computer while riding, but I sure some goverment freak is thinking about it now. Oh, well I keep pedaling and spinning the legs on the ol' single speed and hope they don't invent a heated seat for the bike OR that would be NERDY!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back!! from Summer BReak...
Busy summer ; so blogging took the back seat... as the weather was to nice and life was to busy to sit at a computer and blab about worthless nonsense and staying organized, BLAH! it's SUmmer TiMe let's be free from technology!
But back in action with life and the bike!!
Which brings me back into the cycle of things.......note some have inquired about my previous biking to work "test" accomplishment or whatever you want to call it, I DID it! my goal was to ride for 50 days strait>> no stopping or excuse, the final recipe concluded like this:
1 mind of determination
2 legs of pure pumping desire
1/3 of the days in rain, snow, hail, and just pure misery (refer to the first ingredient)
1/2 cup of new discoveries, routes, and fresh air
1 flat tire on day 49
1/2 dozen crazy drivers
2 Suburban vehicles- ladies on cell phones, almost picked me off (sorry ladies, but...)
1 single speed, retro, ghetto Green Machine purchase from a recycled bike shop in Portland,OR
64 days,512miles of pure bliss, YES YOU can ride a bike to work, and an accomplishment I didn't think was possible but am now a believer!
SO now we start again, NEW school yr, NEW reformed Bike, New desire--as human nature would have, always wanting to beat your old score, we will see..........if I can top 64 days, starting at 0, and hope to ride everyday and see how winter treats us in the good ol' Northwest.
Let's get ROLLIN'!!!!!!!!!! (I encourage anyone to give it a try!! or challenge you.........bring it on.)
Burying the Green Machine

NEW Bike (from Closet) converted to a Single SPeed
to make it a NO whimp bike!
But back in action with life and the bike!!
Which brings me back into the cycle of things.......note some have inquired about my previous biking to work "test" accomplishment or whatever you want to call it, I DID it! my goal was to ride for 50 days strait>> no stopping or excuse, the final recipe concluded like this:
1 mind of determination
2 legs of pure pumping desire
1/3 of the days in rain, snow, hail, and just pure misery (refer to the first ingredient)
1/2 cup of new discoveries, routes, and fresh air
1 flat tire on day 49
1/2 dozen crazy drivers
2 Suburban vehicles- ladies on cell phones, almost picked me off (sorry ladies, but...)
1 single speed, retro, ghetto Green Machine purchase from a recycled bike shop in Portland,OR
64 days,512miles of pure bliss, YES YOU can ride a bike to work, and an accomplishment I didn't think was possible but am now a believer!
SO now we start again, NEW school yr, NEW reformed Bike, New desire--as human nature would have, always wanting to beat your old score, we will see..........if I can top 64 days, starting at 0, and hope to ride everyday and see how winter treats us in the good ol' Northwest.
Let's get ROLLIN'!!!!!!!!!! (I encourage anyone to give it a try!! or challenge you.........bring it on.)
Burying the Green Machine
NEW Bike (from Closet) converted to a Single SPeed
Monday, May 5, 2008
RiDe With PrIDE!
The days continue, and the miles add up...and the sun is starting to shine. I just can't stop biking and the best thing is IT is BIKE TO WORK MONTH!! so come one come all and join the fun, give it a try, I promise you won't die! Crank those pedals and shake your fist with PriDE because YOU too can be proud that you can RIDE!!!
Encourage all to bike now! a few strokes on the bike could SAVE you from one in the future (stroke)....
I'll keep it rolling!!
(check your local listings I am sure there is an event taking place in your area, I know here they are making a BIG deal for bike to work week (May 12-16th) even free shirts!
Encourage all to bike now! a few strokes on the bike could SAVE you from one in the future (stroke)....
I'll keep it rolling!!
(check your local listings I am sure there is an event taking place in your area, I know here they are making a BIG deal for bike to work week (May 12-16th) even free shirts!
Friday, April 25, 2008
RIDe Hard, RiDe Lot(s) Days
Nothing crazy exiting at the moment, just the continuing of my ambition to BIKE.
(RIGHT side) bike log updated......
(RIGHT side) bike log updated......
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Victory is mine!
NO pic's , just leg pumping victory for this post, I am celebrating biking to work for 33 consecutive days (note new bike log on the upper right). Might not seem like much to anyone but myself, but considering the weather in these parts the past months it is a victory, and I am glad to say I have not gave way to the peer-pressure of my owe human reasoning. To ride the green machine (pic on blog) in snow, sleet, rain, dark, cold, repeat!- on one single gear to put me through such a test, I will claim victory.......the endurance to continue, smell nature, and prove to all the SUV-carbon monoxide clogging,cellphone talking whiners that say "IT can't be done!" , well hop on board! because it CAN and is easier than you think....yes you will have to leave the radio and heated seats behind,but the pay-off will reward you! and soon you will have the luxury of the Gas bill I have....can't argue with the results and $$ in pocket.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Batterrrrrrrrrr UP!!
How I REALLY spent my first day of Spring Break......Monday was considered the first day, according to the "real working world"/school.....
The great opportunity to fulfill a bit of a dream, to attend Opening Day at a Mariners game! this was the year, I came, I saw, and smelled the grass.............. er, witnessed the new pitcher (Bernard), shouted batting tips to Ichiro, and told Richie Sexton to pick up the pace this year!! and with a opening day win it was all worth it..............GO M's
Pic's to prove it all was no

t a dream...
The great opportunity to fulfill a bit of a dream, to attend Opening Day at a Mariners game! this was the year, I came, I saw, and smelled the grass.............. er, witnessed the new pitcher (Bernard), shouted batting tips to Ichiro, and told Richie Sexton to pick up the pace this year!! and with a opening day win it was all worth it..............GO M's
Pic's to prove it all was no

How my SPRIng Break started........
There's day's I wish I was allergic to this stuff!!! that way I would have leave immediately, board a plane to a sunny destination, and "due to my medical condition" have to stay for an extended period of time. ( Any know a doctor that would write such a prescription???)
This is what I woke up to on my first day of spring break.............need I say more!

This is what I woke up to on my first day of spring break.............need I say more!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
This post is all about the wheels baby! two recent purchases(due to the charity fund known as my Birthday) have caused my legs to pump like no-other. I can't seemed to get away from style.... and function if it happens to get in the way.
SO give a look at the new upgrades, but don't salivate like a dog at the butcher shop.....JUst look!
**And the success continues in the "bike to work" 12, the tribulation is getting less, the legs & lungs stronger, and I can almost see the road in the mornings....... au natural LIGHT!
Smooooooooooth Rollers...
SO give a look at the new upgrades, but don't salivate like a dog at the butcher shop.....JUst look!
The Easy Rider...
**And the success continues in the "bike to work" 12, the tribulation is getting less, the legs & lungs stronger, and I can almost see the road in the mornings....... au natural LIGHT!
Smooooooooooth Rollers...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Create....then Immulate
MOnthsly has kicked in and I am on a roll......back-to-back week post!
New camera, so now I think I can be apart of the "cool" blog nation.
I like to mess around with photo-olgy, is that even a word? ahhhh, refer to prior post and it's legal.
This would be the same as taking a class,buying the book and feeling you have to read it...
So with the new camera I feel I must use it to exempt the passion that it was "all worth it"
The following pictures where self inflicted and composed all by myself! creativity was the key....along with a bit of "spring fever".

And yes the conquering IS happening.....riding my bike to work....7 days strong, amongst trail,tribulation, and "do I really have to get up earlier?"
New camera, so now I think I can be apart of the "cool" blog nation.
I like to mess around with photo-olgy, is that even a word? ahhhh, refer to prior post and it's legal.
This would be the same as taking a class,buying the book and feeling you have to read it...
So with the new camera I feel I must use it to exempt the passion that it was "all worth it"
The following pictures where self inflicted and composed all by myself! creativity was the key....along with a bit of "spring fever".

And yes the conquering IS happening.....riding my bike to work....7 days strong, amongst trail,tribulation, and "do I really have to get up earlier?"
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
PeEk -A-BoO
I have coined the new phrase "MONTHSLY", that my friends is someone who gets around to updating his/her blog on a "whenever I get around to it" mode compared with a "I have to do it" mode, ahhhh the power of creating your own verbiage! the freedoms we have in America...
These past months have been a blankets of SNOW; a month ago my only form of exercise was shoveling snow on a daily bases, but today is different... I RIDE! many would know biking is one of my passions ( note the name of this blog site: bikespoke) and after a winter of lying in the fetal position for days on end I have had enough! March 1st the declaration was made to get back on the bike and ride to work, the goal has been successful and I have accoplished such a feet for 2days now---there's no stopping now!! even through sleet and rain (yesterday) I will conquer!
So, stay tuned to MONTHSLY updates as I regain passion to keep this thing going, biking can do wonders for the mind, body & blogging.......YOU too should try it.
PICs of still life in Spocompton:

These past months have been a blankets of SNOW; a month ago my only form of exercise was shoveling snow on a daily bases, but today is different... I RIDE! many would know biking is one of my passions ( note the name of this blog site: bikespoke) and after a winter of lying in the fetal position for days on end I have had enough! March 1st the declaration was made to get back on the bike and ride to work, the goal has been successful and I have accoplished such a feet for 2days now---there's no stopping now!! even through sleet and rain (yesterday) I will conquer!
So, stay tuned to MONTHSLY updates as I regain passion to keep this thing going, biking can do wonders for the mind, body & blogging.......YOU too should try it.
PICs of still life in Spocompton:


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